All formatting intentional. Enjoy.
"Do you remember?" You asked.
A little smile on my lips, I shook my head 'no'. You paused. After all, why would that make me happy?
I turned and embraced you. You resisted, not used to the affection, not comfortable, maybe too hurt or trying too hard not to be hurt, so it was tense. Yet…
"I...those moments...they've blurred. But, that pretty mess of lights? It's the thing I live for. The things I don't remember...I don't need to. I know they happened when I am near you."
You shifted, and eventually, I stepped away.
"Do you remember?" I said.
You paused mid-step, turned back a bit. Two paces, and you're next to me, or away from me.
"I don't need to.”
No reasons given, so I smiled without.
"I'm sorry for you loss." Someone mumbled, maybe genuine.
A hand on my shoulder, a quiet whisper of an old friend. "Do you remember?"
For the first time, I smiled again, barely. "No."
"And that doesn't upset you?"
"No. It's fine."
My lips curled upward a little more.
"I don't need to remember to know those things happened."
"But you won’t see them again."
"I don't need to. I still love them. That's there. That's all there ever was and all there will ever be. I'll always have that."
The hand on my shoulder fell away.
"I'm glad."
I smiled fully to graves.
Years turn and I find myself smiling at memories until I join yo