The operation to retake the cloud city of San Korinar is now well underway. The four Battleteams from Houses Marka Ragnos and Shar Dakhan have each made their way onto the floating city, seeking to be the team that secures the platform and earns Consul Malik's favour.
By now, your Battleteam has discovered that the city is under control of a rogue Dlarit trooper, who infiltrated it with spies he hired from the galaxy-spanning criminal syndicate Black Sun. Cargo haulers have been seen ferrying tibana gas shipments off world and out of the system -- though it remains unknown for what purpose, or to where... Furthermore, you have learned that Black Sun and their agents are operating from inside the old Prefect's Citadel, from where Clan Naga Sadow used to rule the city.
You must infiltrate the Prefect's Citadel -- either by yourself, or with the aid of your Battleteam or commando squads your Quaestor has supported you with -- to find the leader of these Black Sun infiltrators: and deal with him.
You are free to kill the Black Sun squads to the last man... or you can bring them in alive. Maybe after the battle is over, someone will be able to learn more about their true agenda?
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