Some files transferred to the Anchorage when Clan Plagueis took command of the station were damaged. Further research into Hyperdyne Manufacturing and its largest purchaser Santhe/Sienar Technologies is required to further your quest of control over President Zexx, who is, at heart, a businessman. Complete the files by finding the entire data path based on the clues provided.
This competition is a time-based URL Hunt. Once subscribed, you will be given three incomplete URLs and clues to locate the entire path. For example, if the URL given is**w** and the clue is “Our favorite thing,” you would submit as the answer. There are three URLs to complete. Placement is based on time taken.
1st place
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
2nd place
Teylas Ramar
3rd place
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
4th place
Padawan Tisto Kingang
5th place
Callus Bo'amar