The arrival of Galactic Alliance representatives has reached the ears of certain members and leaders across the rest of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, including some on the Dark Council. They fear Clan Plagueis’ interference in Hyperdyne will draw unwanted Alliance attention to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, so have dispatched key Brotherhood members to Cadinth with the objective of sabotaging Plagueis’ efforts and turning away the Alliance’s eyes.
The Dread Lord cannot allow this to happen. Not only is Hyperdyne ours, but the Alliance is Plagueis’ problem to deal with, not meddlers from other units...least of all the false Jedi of Odan-Urr. The names of the Brotherhood members newly arrived on Cadinth are unknown, but transmissions have been intercepted that leave clues as to their identity. Locate them and report back to your commanding officers with the information.
This event is a “Hunt the Dark Jedi” style competition. Once subscribed, you will be given clues to three different members of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, all with character Wiki pages. Based on these clues, you are to locate the member and name all three. Placement is based on time taken.
1st place
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
2nd place
A deleted dossier
4th place
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
5th place
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia