Competition: [Naga Sadow] Ashes Fall - Week 1 - Poetry

[Naga Sadow] Ashes Fall - Week 1 - Poetry

The Unknown is a recurring theme in literature, and is often the focus of many an intellectual. What we cannot see, what is trapped in Darkness, cannot be quantified to us as beings. As a result, the mind often creates fantastical imagery to fill in these unknown variables and paint a picture that could be beautiful, terrifying, or both.

Compile a poem, in any style of your choosing, that plays to the theme of "encountering the unknown".

If you use GDocs to compile your work, please use File->Download As and do not provide a link to the document itself. Acceptable formats include .doc/docx, .rtf, .txt, and .pdf

Submissions will be graded on a 1-5 Scale in Imagery, Originality, and Syntax.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[Naga Sadow] Ashes Fall - Parent Comp
Organized by
Darth Renatus, Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, Lak Nafri, Inarya Tiberius Entar
Running time
2015-10-09 until 2015-10-16 (8 days)
Target Unit
Clan Naga Sadow
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
15 subscribers, of which 8 have participated.
A deleted dossier
File submission
1st place
Master Bentre Stahoes
Textual submission

It called to me
From shores unseen

It spoke to me
Of sights wild and serene

It spoke my name
In a quiet breath

It promised me
No gentle death

It promised nothing
To ease pains I bore

From beyond a veil
Of an alien shore

When all is done
What shall be said

I, triumphant hero
Or dishonored dead?

2nd place
Qyreia Arronen
File submission
3rd place
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
Textual submission

Unknown Contemplations
by 4856 Macron Sadow

If things exist
Because we think of them
Than how does the Unknown exist?

Is it real, does it think?
Or does it not, until discovered?
Until it is fully Seen?

Does the emptiness of Dark Matter
Only come into being when we think upon it?
Or does it remain unseen, hidden, and yet potent?

If naming a thing gives it existence
And those who died long ago remain known
As their names are found in hoary ruins

Do those whose names have been lost to the ages remain?

Yet again, the Unknown is often that which we choose not to see.
That which is Seen, can be difficult to Unsee.
That which is Known, can hardly be Unknown.

The true Unknown only exists when it becomes the Known.

No placement
Scarlet Agna
Textual submission

Around, all around, the shadows gather.
My dread grows as the stroke of death falls against my naked soul.
It mutilates me, and my blood drips.
To the wicked earth, that is my prison.
In pain, I flee.
While Death's shadow approaches.
Now alone, my cry of mercy falls upon dead eyes.

This is death.

No placement
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
Textual submission

Darkblade was jumping up and down
for suddenly he had seen something
that looked a little reddish and brown
he just hoped it wasn't *that* dumb thing

The Unknown lurched into view
Darkblade screamed like a little girl
Then he heard laughing and realized it was all a rue
The Knight cursed and his head began to swirl

Darkness consumed his mind and ate his soul
The Unkown had tricked Darkblade into letting his defenses down
Now he was taken over and lost all control
And the tortured moans of the Knight could be heard throughout the town

No placement
Epis Locke Sonjie
Textual submission

For this competition, I have composed a haiku.

Shadows hide At night
Creating giant monsters
That are real or not

No placement
Tasha'Vel Versea
Textual submission

A dark foreboding
Something the eye cannot see
Lurks waiting to strike

Drip, drip, drip
Comes a strange noise

An unearthly sound screeches through the dark caverns
While the air around you freezes
Your heart cannot deny its fear

Struggling to fight from fainting
You think of pleasant thoughts
Thoughts that roam from this barren planet

Crunch, crunch, crunch
Another scream from a fellow soldier
Reminds you that you cannot escape this torture

What is this thing!
This creature bent on snatching up your friends
But still as though the tense hours linger on
Your fear inside grows
This fear of the unknown

No placement
Marcus Kiriyu
Textual submission

Nothingness everywhere, cold and void.
A step, a fall, a movement, an injury.
Darkness pervasive, omnipresent danger.
To move is death, gripped tightly in my heart.
In the end I move, and there is light.

No placement