This is a skill based competition - You will have one week to submit to the competition. Details for the competition will be in the Subscriber Details. This Event is a part of the Arconan Gaming Competition for November. Your placement within the competition will earn you points towards the parent competition.
Scoring: 1st Place - 10 pts 2nd Place - 8 pts 3rd place - 5 pts Participation - 1pt
Submit a screenshot of your solo or co-op completion time on Survival on Tatooine in Battlefront 3. This is to be done on Normal difficulty.
Fastest time wins. Ties will be broken by whoever submitted first.
November 26, 2015
Battlefront Mission Matches
(Battlefront Missions (2015))
reported by
Ernordeth Puer-Irae
November 28, 2015
Battlefront Mission Matches
(Battlefront Missions (2015))
reported by
General Daniel Stephens