Welcome to the Dark Brotherhood Flash Game Knockout!
This competition will take place over the next few weeks. On subscribing, you will be entered into the first round draw. In each round, you will face off against a single opponent in a Flash Game chosen by me. Whoever gets the better score/time will progress to the next round. This is like a bracket tournament, but I much prefer the 'FA Cup' style model where each round is drawn separately. The draw will be completely random - you may face a Clanmate or someone you have never met before!
Rounds will take place from Saturday-Saturday, with a week allowed per round. Failure to enter a score in the allotted time will result in your disqualification.
The end date of this competition is arbitrary. I expect that we'll be finished before the end of March!
1st place
Ringer Klang
2nd place
General Zentru'la
3rd place
Evelynn Wyrm