
Displaying competitions 4101 - 4125 of 10805 in total
Title Status Running time Target Main Organizer Type
Logo Redesign Contest: Antei Combat Center Finished
2015-08-08 - 2015-08-18
(11 days)
Entire DJB Lord Marick Tyris Arconae Other
SWTOR Varmint Hunter Finished
2015-07-18 - 2015-08-16
(about 1 month)
Entire DJB Zill MMO Gaming/ToR
GMRG Gorefest: August 2015 Finished
2015-08-14 - 2015-08-16
(3 days)
Entire DJB Valhavoc Ad Vizsla Multiplayer Gaming
Gods at their end Finished
2015-07-27 - 2015-08-14
(19 days)
Clan Tarentum Ranarr Kul-Tarentae Fiction
[Ooroo] Recruitment Poster Finished
2015-08-04 - 2015-08-14
(11 days)
Battleteam Strike-Team Ooroo Jafits Skrumm Graphics/Multimedia
Star Conflict PvP Finished
2015-08-07 - 2015-08-14
(8 days)
Entire DJB Maximus Alvinius Other
Guess the Picture 2 Finished
2015-08-07 - 2015-08-14
(8 days)
Entire DJB Scarlet Agna Other
Order of the Trident Motto Finished
2015-08-06 - 2015-08-13
(8 days)
Battleteam Order of the Trident Ranarr Kul-Tarentae Other
Three Arconans and a Baby Finished
2015-06-24 - 2015-08-12
(about 2 months)
Clan Arcona General Stres'tron'garmis Fiction
Hunt the Jedi #24 Finished
2015-08-06 - 2015-08-12
(7 days)
Clan Taldryan Howlader Taldrya Other
Game Hunter: One Scourge to Rule them all! Finished
2015-08-04 - 2015-08-11
(8 days)
Clan Naga Sadow Qor Kith Fiction
God of Destruction Finished
2015-07-27 - 2015-08-10
(15 days)
Entire DJB Ranarr Kul-Tarentae Flash Gaming/Puzzles
Dinaari Presents: Swords and Shadows! Finished
2015-08-02 - 2015-08-09
(8 days)
Entire DJB Omega Kira Flash Gaming/Puzzles
Star Wars Online Collectable Card Game Open Finished
2015-07-08 - 2015-08-08
(about 1 month)
Entire DJB Tribune Kanal O'neill Multiplayer Gaming
You there! What is your purpose?! Finished
2015-08-01 - 2015-08-08
(8 days)
Battleteam Shadow's Bane Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade Fiction
A little bit of verse... Finished
2015-07-28 - 2015-08-06
(10 days)
Entire DJB Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj Poetry
Star Conflict PvP Finished
2015-07-30 - 2015-08-06
(8 days)
Entire DJB Maximus Alvinius Multiplayer Gaming
Star Wars Commander: Conflict at Boonta Eve (Apple and Android) Finished
2015-07-28 - 2015-08-05
(9 days)
Entire DJB Valhavoc Ad Vizsla Multiplayer Gaming
Settling In Finished
2015-07-27 - 2015-08-03
(8 days)
Battleteam Devil's Shroud Master Bentre Stahoes Fiction
Only the Good Die Young Finished
2015-07-02 - 2015-08-02
(about 1 month)
Clan Arcona Terran Koul Other
Restoration: Ascendant
(11 sub-competitions)
2015-07-05 - 2015-08-02
(29 days)
Clan Plagueis Vivackus Kavon di Plagia Other
Shipping Arcona Style Finished
2015-06-17 - 2015-08-01
(about 2 months)
Clan Arcona Councillor Turel Sorenn Fiction
Practice Makes Perfect Finished
2015-07-01 - 2015-08-01
(about 1 month)
Battleteam Nighthawk Ghost Rulvak Qurroc Multiplayer Gaming
Show Me Your Moves! Finished
2015-07-01 - 2015-08-01
(about 1 month)
Battleteam Nighthawk Ghost Rulvak Qurroc Multiplayer Gaming
[Tarentum] Monthly mobile gaming Finished
2015-07-01 - 2015-08-01
(about 1 month)
Clan Tarentum Dox Romanae Tarentae Single-player Gaming