
Displaying competitions 8951 - 8975 of 10547 in total
Title Status Running time Target Main Organizer Type
[CSP] Event 1.2 - Festival Game Finished
2006-11-06 - 2006-11-12
(7 days)
Clan Scholae Palatinae Braecen Kaeth Other
[CSP] Event 1.3 - Caption Contest Finished
2006-11-06 - 2006-11-12
(7 days)
Clan Scholae Palatinae Braecen Kaeth Other
[CSP] Event 1.4 - Haikus Finished
2006-11-06 - 2006-11-12
(7 days)
Clan Scholae Palatinae Braecen Kaeth Other
Tal - Alternate Endings Finished
2006-11-07 - 2006-11-12
(6 days)
Clan Taldryan Baron Zarco Other
[Sacrum Diis] CapAction Finished
2006-10-14 - 2006-11-11
(29 days)
Battleteam Sacrum Diis Eli Denan Other
Drynwyn’s Tower New Security System Finished
2006-10-10 - 2006-11-10
(about 1 month)
Entire DJB RevengeX Palpatine Other
Shadows of the Soul Finished
2006-10-13 - 2006-11-10
(29 days)
Battleteam Acclivis Draco Rasilvenaira StormRaven Other
RO:Survival on Volcanus Finished
2006-10-02 - 2006-11-10
(about 1 month)
Clan Taldryan Mercur "Fire-Knight" Matsuki Other
Niman Master's Picture Competition Finished
2006-10-28 - 2006-11-10
(14 days)
Clan Plagueis Nasake Shinjin Other
[Pandragon] Commanders Quarters Finished
2006-10-31 - 2006-11-10
(11 days)
Battleteam Pandragon Desdemonea Other
[Soulfire] Find Me a T-Shirt Finished
2006-11-03 - 2006-11-10
(8 days)
Battleteam Soulfire /competitions/tab/finished Other
[ES] KOTOR II Map Finished
2006-10-22 - 2006-11-07
(17 days)
Battleteam Exar's Shadow Battlemaster Katrila Other
Rollmaster's Galeran Trivia Finished
2006-10-28 - 2006-11-06
(10 days)
House Galeres Malidir Trepidus Erinos Arconae Other
Draco Conspicari: Fighter Designs Finished
2006-10-05 - 2006-11-05
(about 1 month)
Entire DJB Emperor Thran Occasus-Palpatine Other
Draco Conspicari: The Cannibal Conundrum Finished
2006-10-05 - 2006-11-05
(about 1 month)
Entire DJB Emperor Thran Occasus-Palpatine Other
Draco Conspicari: Thran's Rule Book Finished
2006-10-05 - 2006-11-05
(about 1 month)
Entire DJB Emperor Thran Occasus-Palpatine Other
2006-10-05 - 2006-11-05
(about 1 month)
Battleteam Acclivis Draco Emperor Thran Occasus-Palpatine Other
[JS] Battle Team Training Finished
2006-10-22 - 2006-11-05
(15 days)
Battleteam Jade Serpents Ashia Kagan Keibatsu Other
{Sapphire Squadron} Who wants FL?! Finished
2006-10-19 - 2006-11-05
(18 days)
Battleteam Sapphire Squadron Ylith Atema Other
{Sapphire Squadron} Funny Man...(also for FL) Finished
2006-10-19 - 2006-11-05
(18 days)
Battleteam Sapphire Squadron Ylith Atema Other
{Sapphire Squadron} ...Dude...where are our uniforms?(also for FL) Finished
2006-10-19 - 2006-11-05
(18 days)
Battleteam Sapphire Squadron Ylith Atema Other
A Small Mission... Finished
2006-10-25 - 2006-11-05
(12 days)
Clan Plagueis Valerian di Plagia Orzon Other
Star Wars Comics Finished
2006-10-26 - 2006-11-05
(11 days)
Clan Naga Sadow Warlord Talon Jade Other
Fiction Tribune's Halloween Competition Finished
2006-10-29 - 2006-11-05
(8 days)
Entire DJB Master Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama Other
[Pandragon] Run-On Finished
2006-10-19 - 2006-11-03
(16 days)
Battleteam Pandragon Desdemonea Other