Details for ACC Fundamentals

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
77% 2 0.83%
80% 1 0.41%
81% 4 1.65%
86% 11 4.55%
87% 1 0.41%
90% 25 10.33%
93% 2 0.83%
95% 40 16.53%
96% 2 0.83%
100% 168 69.42%
Displaying graduates 151 - 175 of 242 in total
PIN Rank Name
13569 Knight Kyrun Ashida
13573 Warrior Valkish Ebonvar
13593 Brigadier General Stres'tron'garmis
13600 Lieutenant Purren Strost
13623 Neophyte Bendak Talasar
13632 Raider Jon Silvon
13664 Acolyte Kythar Jakan
13700 Battlelord Lucyeth
13706 Knight Adi Ka'Taramas
13714 Battlemaster Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj
13721 Warlord Taranae Rhode
13723 Knight Verse Theris
13728 Corsair Zed
13739 Knight Lexi Sarden
13746 Acolyte Ellie-Marie Kinsha
13751 Battlemaster Derek Cinn
13752 Ranger Adem Bol'era
13758 Proselyte Z8-K4
13762 Hunter Naomi Felian
13763 Battlelord Meleu Karthdo
13766 Privateer Xeipha
13767 Vanguard Corvus Corax
13774 Raider Vivibelle Baenre
13787 Knight Shorurra
13789 Hunter Nash Kronos