Details for ACC Qualification

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
94% 3 1.03%
95% 4 1.37%
96% 7 2.4%
97% 15 5.14%
98% 27 9.25%
99% 39 13.36%
100% 211 72.26%
Displaying graduates 151 - 175 of 292 in total
PIN Rank Name
12761 Adept Teylas Ramar
12681 Augur Alara Deathbane
12671 Battlemaster Rosh Nyine
12656 Adept Revak K'Urr
12648 Adept Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
12247 Warlord Tracinya Beviin Entar
12099 Lieutenant Nefin Nightfire
12097 Seer Creon Neverse
12049 Adept A'lora Kituri
12044 Warlord Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej
12004 Eminent Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri
11708 Prophet Renatus
11584 Augur Raziel
11518 Adept Xantros
11513 Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia
11405 Warlord Shadow Nighthunter
11286 Seer Eiko
11274 Warrior Quo-Wing-Tzun
10901 Augur Methyas L'eonheart
10701 Master Rian Taldrya
10639 Corsair Kano Tor Tydex
10609 Ranger Ryan Hawkins
10602 Seer Marcus Kiriyu
10566 Raider Magness Dritch
10545 Mystic Jinius Griffin