Details for IRC Basics

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
Pass 637 62.39%
70% 7 0.69%
72% 10 0.98%
75% 4 0.39%
77% 4 0.39%
80% 4 0.39%
81% 1 0.1%
83% 14 1.37%
85% 22 2.15%
86% 4 0.39%
87% 3 0.29%
88% 50 4.9%
90% 25 2.45%
91% 3 0.29%
92% 1 0.1%
94% 42 4.11%
95% 37 3.62%
97% 1 0.1%
100% 261 25.56%
Displaying graduates 776 - 800 of 1021 in total
PIN Rank Name
7986 Knight Devarios Kirill
5552 Warrior Devani Kiriana Maharet
14290 Padawan Destin Oceanfel
9255 Proselyte Dessel Shade
3839 Warrior Dessan
205 Battlelord Desio Predator
12822 Novice Desdrex
4297 Knight Desdemonea
5222 Proselyte Deron
6107 Neophyte Dergiuss
9756 Battlemaster Derev Niroth
13751 Battlemaster Derek Cinn
231 Adept Depriest
13587 Novice Demku
8703 Acolyte Demious
6043 Proselyte Dekus Mortimus
13788 Hunter Deidra
1120 Grand Master Declan Roark
6402 Professional Debric Santhe
8896 Knight Deatharoc
11305 Neophyte Davros Korban
9557 Novice Davrik Maag
7159 Neophyte David Locke
9687 Knight Dathka Aziraal Zhar-Khon
3633 Warrior Dask_k