Details for IRC Basics

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
Pass 637 62.39%
70% 7 0.69%
72% 10 0.98%
75% 4 0.39%
77% 4 0.39%
80% 4 0.39%
81% 1 0.1%
83% 14 1.37%
85% 22 2.15%
86% 4 0.39%
87% 3 0.29%
88% 50 4.9%
90% 25 2.45%
91% 3 0.29%
92% 1 0.1%
94% 42 4.11%
95% 37 3.62%
97% 1 0.1%
100% 261 25.56%
Displaying graduates 326 - 350 of 1021 in total
PIN Rank Name
7875 Neophyte Qauntis
6168 Neophyte Jaxon Revas
4678 Neophyte Jaxor Bain
4677 Neophyte Venom
6295 Neophyte Richard de Sablé
8883 Neophyte Tau'ra
7772 Neophyte Hawili
8856 Neophyte Domini Julii Damien
5017 Neophyte Tavlos
6203 Neophyte Achlys'trina Toril-Chhaya Jira'Qamra
6735 Neophyte Malakai
4593 Neophyte Bobert
7318 Neophyte Inferno
6162 Neophyte Tanec Aeire
6113 Neophyte Bendak
7752 Neophyte Jesan Sinderion
6119 Neophyte Tors Vardsen
7159 Neophyte David Locke
6107 Neophyte Dergiuss
10519 Neophyte Vishuss
8081 Neophyte Ansus "Shadowchild" Argetlam
6105 Neophyte maikeru
9893 Neophyte Mibos Elott
7168 Neophyte Janus Lee
9839 Neophyte Bal Comas