Details for Character Sheets 101: Introduction

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
73% 4 1.39%
76% 4 1.39%
80% 9 3.13%
84% 8 2.78%
88% 15 5.21%
92% 14 4.86%
96% 20 6.94%
100% 226 78.47%
Displaying graduates 276 - 288 of 288 in total
PIN Rank Name
17162 Runner Mei'Ka
17179 Knight Majyc
17189 Knight Kagon Agra
17190 Knight Huntsmen
17198 Warrior Ahathr’iss’asapla (Thrissa)
17206 Professional reecioes-jasmyn
17210 Neophyte Abyssnia ibn Asad
17212 Courier Hau Nae
17233 Savant Veil Arcana
17236 Proselyte Ares Syndulla
17238 Peacekeeper Syrena Valkar
17250 Knight Jai Thorne
17251 Padawan Wytt Vatts