Details for Obelisk Legends

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
Pass 521 56.14%
70% 1 0.11%
71% 1 0.11%
72% 4 0.43%
73% 6 0.65%
74% 2 0.22%
76% 4 0.43%
77% 3 0.32%
78% 7 0.75%
80% 3 0.32%
81% 4 0.43%
82% 4 0.43%
83% 2 0.22%
84% 6 0.65%
85% 6 0.65%
86% 15 1.62%
87% 2 0.22%
88% 18 1.94%
89% 8 0.86%
90% 11 1.19%
91% 15 1.62%
92% 20 2.16%
93% 8 0.86%
94% 45 4.85%
95% 3 0.32%
96% 19 2.05%
97% 59 6.36%
98% 3 0.32%
99% 1 0.11%
100% 209 22.52%
Displaying graduates 751 - 775 of 928 in total
PIN Rank Name
12285 Warrior Necronomicon
12311 Knight Carissus
12334 Novice Amskartra
12354 Proselyte Kooorwemiensta
12418 Novice Maltheos Enkidu
12436 Privateer Silas Manx
12449 Hunter Kazumi-Ytje Matsumoto
12503 Knight Varoth
12504 Warrior Tiamath
12522 Proselyte Saeleth
12543 Proselyte Talrish Drassh
12553 Warrior Orion Aries Rial
12611 Novice Phantom Tempest
12649 Knight Waldron Ravenblade
12656 Adept Revak K'Urr
12671 Battlemaster Rosh Nyine
12681 Augur Alara Deathbane
12767 Peacekeeper Cartel Dh'than
12769 Warrior Alexander DelGotto
12828 Warrior Scelestus
12905 Acolyte Korwyn Locke
12913 Knight Damon Tye
12926 Knight Anigrel
12968 Hunter Ferok Fen
13021 Knight godarrow