Details for Obelisk Legends

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
Pass 521 56.14%
70% 1 0.11%
71% 1 0.11%
72% 4 0.43%
73% 6 0.65%
74% 2 0.22%
76% 4 0.43%
77% 3 0.32%
78% 7 0.75%
80% 3 0.32%
81% 4 0.43%
82% 4 0.43%
83% 2 0.22%
84% 6 0.65%
85% 6 0.65%
86% 15 1.62%
87% 2 0.22%
88% 18 1.94%
89% 8 0.86%
90% 11 1.19%
91% 15 1.62%
92% 20 2.16%
93% 8 0.86%
94% 45 4.85%
95% 3 0.32%
96% 19 2.05%
97% 59 6.36%
98% 3 0.32%
99% 1 0.11%
100% 209 22.52%
Displaying graduates 676 - 700 of 928 in total
PIN Rank Name
5174 Neophyte Gllen Nadix
5123 Proselyte Vergil Ocelot
5114 Neophyte Kraznor
5101 Master Thran Occasus-Palpatine
5093 Neophyte Phoneix
5062 Hunter Hanius
5058 Warlord Vincent Brujah
5051 Novice Malaci
5037 Battlemaster Scorpius
5031 Acolyte Bucon Saalah
5030 Acolyte Andras
5023 Warrior Damian Voss
5017 Neophyte Tavlos
5016 Proselyte Xanatos_Centi
5010 Knight Aksle
4996 Proselyte Lestat
4993 Major Vosiri Lightscrest
4954 Mystic Altheseus Levathan
4951 Neophyte Animus AniKor Saxcian
4948 Knight Hideki Tetsuya
4930 Warrior Maol Nor Lexu
4922 Acolyte Luke Alexander Vandross
4915 Neophyte Crista
4910 Warrior Gaidal Dupar
4901 Warrior Aden Karas