Details for Obelisk Legends

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
Pass 521 56.14%
70% 1 0.11%
71% 1 0.11%
72% 4 0.43%
73% 6 0.65%
74% 2 0.22%
76% 4 0.43%
77% 3 0.32%
78% 7 0.75%
80% 3 0.32%
81% 4 0.43%
82% 4 0.43%
83% 2 0.22%
84% 6 0.65%
85% 6 0.65%
86% 15 1.62%
87% 2 0.22%
88% 18 1.94%
89% 8 0.86%
90% 11 1.19%
91% 15 1.62%
92% 20 2.16%
93% 8 0.86%
94% 45 4.85%
95% 3 0.32%
96% 19 2.05%
97% 59 6.36%
98% 3 0.32%
99% 1 0.11%
100% 209 22.52%
Displaying graduates 326 - 350 of 928 in total
PIN Rank Name
5511 Proselyte Pheonix
1213 Warrior Pheniox
12611 Novice Phantom Tempest
4583 Warrior Phantom
11563 Neophyte Phaeton
48 Warlord Pel Tarentae
5525 Knight Panzerus Korodin
13529 Corsair Ossk
12553 Warrior Orion Aries Rial
14456 Knight Oric Ral
6753 Acolyte Oran Gootan
3317 Adept Ood Bnar
10438 Neophyte Onteron
5981 Knight Ondur Lkaetur
13984 Battlemaster Omega Kira
8145 Knight Oísin dan Kael'Og
10674 Yeoman Octavius Golgotha
7893 Hunter Ocih Weogi
8937 Neophyte oceba
1212 Knight Obscurus
10865 Novice Nubis
8199 Acolyte Norrik Karn
16574 Warrior Nora Olen
10554 Novice Nolor Malalus
13824 Warlord Nobilus