Details for Obelisk Legends

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
Pass 521 56.14%
70% 1 0.11%
71% 1 0.11%
72% 4 0.43%
73% 6 0.65%
74% 2 0.22%
76% 4 0.43%
77% 3 0.32%
78% 7 0.75%
80% 3 0.32%
81% 4 0.43%
82% 4 0.43%
83% 2 0.22%
84% 6 0.65%
85% 6 0.65%
86% 15 1.62%
87% 2 0.22%
88% 18 1.94%
89% 8 0.86%
90% 11 1.19%
91% 15 1.62%
92% 20 2.16%
93% 8 0.86%
94% 45 4.85%
95% 3 0.32%
96% 19 2.05%
97% 59 6.36%
98% 3 0.32%
99% 1 0.11%
100% 209 22.52%
Displaying graduates 176 - 200 of 928 in total
PIN Rank Name
169 Warden Son'El
6511 Novice Sol Invictus
16854 Augur Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis
201 Battlemaster Smitrock
4292 Proselyte Slasher X
6390 Warrior Siyavash Kaida
4482 Proselyte Sivart Al-Sinjo
4715 Adept Sithspawn Taldrya
5639 Proselyte Sith Bug
4127 Neophyte Simanus
7896 Initiate silvanus
8197 Novice silus
8436 Proselyte Silith Kalyxo
3151 Warlord Silent
5724 Acolyte Silenius
12436 Privateer Silas Manx
367 Master Shups
8948 Acolyte Shiten
6174 Battlemaster Shirai Dupar
160 Warlord Shin'ichi Keibatsu
6059 Master Shikyo Keibatsu
7925 Warlord Shi Kensei
1835 Knight Shen-Long
9193 Warlord Shaz'air Taldrya
115 Adept Sharad Taldrya Hett