Details for Obelisk Legends

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
Pass 521 56.14%
70% 1 0.11%
71% 1 0.11%
72% 4 0.43%
73% 6 0.65%
74% 2 0.22%
76% 4 0.43%
77% 3 0.32%
78% 7 0.75%
80% 3 0.32%
81% 4 0.43%
82% 4 0.43%
83% 2 0.22%
84% 6 0.65%
85% 6 0.65%
86% 15 1.62%
87% 2 0.22%
88% 18 1.94%
89% 8 0.86%
90% 11 1.19%
91% 15 1.62%
92% 20 2.16%
93% 8 0.86%
94% 45 4.85%
95% 3 0.32%
96% 19 2.05%
97% 59 6.36%
98% 3 0.32%
99% 1 0.11%
100% 209 22.52%
Displaying graduates 226 - 250 of 928 in total
PIN Rank Name
10376 Neophyte Rathelm Canex
10479 Neophyte Conad Daak
9224 Neophyte Tacks
6158 Neophyte Revall
10310 Neophyte RenNi Tyron
4951 Neophyte Animus AniKor Saxcian
10342 Neophyte Lyncoln Novell
4915 Neophyte Crista
9284 Neophyte Davion
7772 Neophyte Hawili
4756 Neophyte Switchblade
7444 Neophyte Hadus
4678 Neophyte Jaxor Bain
10102 Neophyte Kylath Tynblade
4677 Neophyte Venom
6486 Neophyte Katalam van Ossorous
10050 Neophyte Visius
6510 Neophyte pikkdog
4127 Neophyte Simanus
10124 Neophyte Vorn Kyrth
6162 Neophyte Tanec Aeire
4593 Neophyte Bobert
9598 Neophyte Jalor klenstan
6107 Neophyte Dergiuss
4440 Neophyte Rayne'Bloode