Details for HTML Basics

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
Pass 177 69.69%
70% 3 1.18%
72% 5 1.97%
73% 1 0.39%
75% 1 0.39%
80% 7 2.76%
81% 4 1.57%
83% 3 1.18%
84% 1 0.39%
86% 4 1.57%
87% 2 0.79%
90% 15 5.91%
93% 12 4.72%
94% 1 0.39%
95% 1 0.39%
96% 20 7.87%
100% 19 7.48%
N/A 1 0.39%
Displaying graduates 26 - 50 of 254 in total
PIN Rank Name
8525 Proselyte Sorren
9342 Proselyte ShadowReaper
10795 Proselyte Aquilus Letum
7413 Proselyte Zan Dykar
7701 Proselyte Kwade Heer
10678 Proselyte Andros Starkiller
3521 Proselyte Ben Fury
10365 Proselyte Luke Morin
10636 Proselyte Ecolore Altinore
10629 Proselyte Achiryte
6398 Proselyte Okan Farrell Roda
5174 Neophyte Gllen Nadix
6986 Neophyte Aegeus
4407 Neophyte Fur D'orin
4949 Neophyte fattness
9419 Neophyte Maxyl Takyn
8345 Neophyte Kierkkadon
3235 Neophyte Nyght Garou
6295 Neophyte Richard de Sablé
6053 Neophyte Torak Vistarrn
7318 Neophyte Inferno
4192 Neophyte Slit_Canvas
9714 Neophyte Nightroad
7600 Neophyte Mizu
4826 Neophyte Zomar Kaan