Details for Training Saber Basics

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
Pass 655 75.2%
89% 1 0.11%
92% 1 0.11%
97% 1 0.11%
100% 1 0.11%
N/A 293 33.64%
Displaying graduates 701 - 725 of 871 in total
PIN Rank Name
3151 Warlord Silent
4127 Neophyte Simanus
6411 Adept Sirrus
4482 Proselyte Sivart Al-Sinjo
6390 Warrior Siyavash Kaida
12526 Neophyte Skysz
12648 Adept Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
169 Warden Son'El
5684 Proselyte Sorgo Exmortis
3305 Master Spears Tarentae
13509 Proselyte Spectre
7293 Proselyte Steal Inferno
8013 Peacekeeper Stefan
3264 Acolyte Storm
9367 Battlelord Strask Rurra'bek
1279 Adept Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae
9366 Knight Strats Grimm
7967 Neophyte Sun Vail
11223 Proselyte Surlan Tremaine
12075 Neophyte Sutekh'Sithari
10248 Acolyte Suyo Kenshin
7646 Acolyte Swaresu-Dyas
10028 Hunter Swifty Chapple
4756 Neophyte Switchblade
3403 Battlelord Sykes Jade