Details for Advancement Survey

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
Pass 414 40.23%
80% 1 0.1%
100% 468 45.48%
1933% 1 0.1%
N/A 219 21.28%
Displaying graduates 701 - 725 of 1029 in total
PIN Rank Name
13763 Battlelord Meleu Karthdo
13774 Raider Vivibelle Baenre
13783 Neophyte Draven Voidwaker
13787 Knight Shorurra
13789 Hunter Nash Kronos
13793 Novice Alindra Vordrinn
13796 Corsair Aiden Dru
13797 Novice Rowan Khel
13802 Master Dracaryis
13811 Acolyte Vassago Shax
13816 Acolyte Salas
13820 Brigadier General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
13822 Hunter Sarai Andromeda
13823 Battlelord Armad
13824 Warlord Nobilus
13831 Adept Edgar Drachen
13833 Padawan Arthadonis Kalderis
13848 Knight Marduss
13864 Novice Talen-Rohad
13876 Warden Maximus Alvinius
13880 Battlelord Qor Kith
13883 Mystic Antar Locke
13887 Novice DylanWheeler
13889 Novice ClayBratton
13894 Knight Sebz Janren