Details for Advancement Survey

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
Pass 414 40.27%
80% 1 0.1%
100% 467 45.43%
1933% 1 0.1%
N/A 219 21.3%
Displaying graduates 826 - 850 of 1028 in total
PIN Rank Name
6059 Master Shikyo Keibatsu
6174 Battlemaster Shirai Dupar
7626 Neophyte Shonen
13787 Knight Shorurra
16390 Acolyte Sigalit Nerys
8393 Hunter Sikes Aurelius
3151 Warlord Silent
16298 Seer Sinya Ani
4715 Adept Sithspawn Taldrya
16806 Augur Sivall Tenbriss Ya-ir Zoria
6390 Warrior Siyavash Kaida
12526 Neophyte Skysz
12648 Adept Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
16854 Augur Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis
13509 Proselyte Spectre
14451 Battlemaster Stang Mach
9367 Battlelord Strask Rurra'bek
9366 Knight Strats Grimm
13593 Brigadier General Stres'tron'garmis
14401 Acolyte Sul Ip
16045 Mystic Sulxiros
14212 Acolyte Sumsol "Karma" Salackta
7967 Neophyte Sun Vail
11223 Proselyte Surlan Tremaine
12075 Neophyte Sutekh'Sithari