Details for Dark Brotherhood Basics

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
Pass 169 13.07%
70% 7 0.54%
71% 8 0.62%
72% 1 0.08%
73% 10 0.77%
74% 5 0.39%
75% 10 0.77%
76% 9 0.7%
77% 5 0.39%
78% 10 0.77%
79% 7 0.54%
80% 18 1.39%
81% 10 0.77%
82% 22 1.7%
83% 14 1.08%
84% 28 2.17%
85% 17 1.31%
86% 34 2.63%
87% 37 2.86%
88% 30 2.32%
89% 26 2.01%
90% 37 2.86%
91% 41 3.17%
92% 40 3.09%
93% 64 4.95%
94% 44 3.4%
95% 70 5.41%
96% 57 4.41%
97% 122 9.44%
98% 61 4.72%
99% 3 0.23%
100% 356 27.53%
Displaying graduates 201 - 225 of 1293 in total
PIN Rank Name
13523 Battlemaster Catmatui
14180 Padawan Ceballa LightBringer
12211 Initiate Ce' estee
6109 Augur Celahir Erinos Arconae
9826 Battlelord Cello
9896 Hunter Cern Unnos
10184 Proselyte Cero
6705 Augur Cethgus Tiberius Entar
11605 Neophyte Cev Nabina
3931 Warlord Chaosrain Taldrya
14839 Neophyte CharLotteGoesStarWars
14044 Knight Chasse Ordin
13779 Proselyte Cheerin
10686 Novice Cheeto
10175 Neophyte Chiron Daxxx
14071 Knight Chizz
14059 Corsair Chrome
359 Master Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
3558 Battlemaster Cipher K'oranian Isradia
14771 Acolyte Coas Jewell
13149 Knight Comalies
10479 Neophyte Conad Daak
10484 Seer Constantine
10503 Ranger Cor-Hatha Vow
1 Master Corran Force