Details for Dark Brotherhood Basics

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
Pass 169 13.07%
70% 7 0.54%
71% 8 0.62%
72% 1 0.08%
73% 10 0.77%
74% 5 0.39%
75% 10 0.77%
76% 9 0.7%
77% 5 0.39%
78% 10 0.77%
79% 7 0.54%
80% 18 1.39%
81% 10 0.77%
82% 22 1.7%
83% 14 1.08%
84% 28 2.17%
85% 17 1.31%
86% 34 2.63%
87% 37 2.86%
88% 30 2.32%
89% 26 2.01%
90% 37 2.86%
91% 41 3.17%
92% 40 3.09%
93% 64 4.95%
94% 44 3.4%
95% 70 5.41%
96% 57 4.41%
97% 122 9.44%
98% 61 4.72%
99% 3 0.23%
100% 356 27.53%
Displaying graduates 926 - 950 of 1293 in total
PIN Rank Name
4867 Warrior Michael Arkarso
11454 Warrior Tor'Fel Hazzan
4438 Warrior Uzbad
817 Warrior Reaver
9842 Warrior Lucian Primo
10510 Warrior Jagen Phoenix
12925 Warrior Nite Dawn
10059 Warrior Bal Demona
14057 Warrior Anahorn Dempsey
13573 Warrior Valkish Ebonvar
12553 Warrior Orion Aries Rial
10397 Warrior Fang Ao Tian
14274 Warrior Kyo Akumu
4901 Warrior Aden Karas
14037 Warrior Magik
13840 Warrior Athrun Zala
10599 Warrior Tyyravis Nami Dantes
9947 Warrior Alishu
14087 Warrior Bobecc Varga
14024 Warrior Remurr Hijaa
14101 Privateer Keiji Suoh
9933 Privateer Jasper Arlow
12436 Privateer Silas Manx
13766 Privateer Xeipha
4954 Mystic Altheseus Levathan