Details for Dark Brotherhood Basics

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
Pass 169 13.07%
70% 7 0.54%
71% 8 0.62%
72% 1 0.08%
73% 10 0.77%
74% 5 0.39%
75% 10 0.77%
76% 9 0.7%
77% 5 0.39%
78% 10 0.77%
79% 7 0.54%
80% 18 1.39%
81% 10 0.77%
82% 22 1.7%
83% 14 1.08%
84% 28 2.17%
85% 17 1.31%
86% 34 2.63%
87% 37 2.86%
88% 30 2.32%
89% 26 2.01%
90% 37 2.86%
91% 41 3.17%
92% 40 3.09%
93% 64 4.95%
94% 44 3.4%
95% 70 5.41%
96% 57 4.41%
97% 122 9.44%
98% 61 4.72%
99% 3 0.23%
100% 356 27.53%
Displaying graduates 101 - 125 of 1293 in total
PIN Rank Name
11962 Novice xuanzang
9466 Novice Caliburn
11655 Novice Nicole Ryker
13781 Novice Beleron Reshal
13826 Novice Powecus Blire
11659 Novice Kahnn
12658 Novice Andco Beann
11892 Novice Umbra Trucido
13492 Novice Ardana Raey'yn
13932 Novice Igo Catarr
11637 Novice Darrius Andorum Thalic
11222 Novice Kanx Fatemist
11419 Novice Agghers K'Nahr
10120 Novice Dragaro
13381 Novice Sienn Dira
13587 Novice Demku
13077 Novice Throk Crowder
10702 Novice Jack Antiles
9363 Novice Wolffaust Lycanica
9696 Novice Marcellus Sang
10445 Novice Issan Navarr
11282 Novice Mentat
12165 Novice Remy Shadow
10738 Novice Raden Maw
10393 Novice Mortalitas