Details for Trial of Identity

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
Pass 3475 46.51%
72% 2 0.03%
81% 1 0.01%
85% 1 0.01%
86% 1 0.01%
92% 4 0.05%
96% 2 0.03%
100% 11 0.15%
N/A 4427 59.25%
Displaying graduates 5101 - 5125 of 7472 in total
PIN Rank Name
13789 Hunter Nash Kronos
13790 Apprentice Raxus Kane
13791 Apprentice Galator Shadow
13792 Novice falconx
13793 Novice Alindra Vordrinn
13794 Apprentice Sayd Malaki
13795 Novice Eldan
13796 Corsair Aiden Dru
13797 Novice Rowan Khel
13798 Apprentice Absk Somberlas
13799 Novice Albatros
13800 Apprentice Dirk Vanderswoll
13802 Master Dracaryis
13804 Novice Zaria
13805 Apprentice Joseph
13806 Apprentice Darkstarkiller
13808 Apprentice Jyn Kazaki
13809 Apprentice Kiro Yazaki
13810 Novice Ilsa Tirana
13811 Acolyte Vassago Shax
13812 Apprentice Quain Chii
13815 Proselyte Xanazeris Lokar
13816 Acolyte Salas
13817 Neophyte Trakkar Sommelin
13819 Battlemaster Kul'tak Drol