Details for Trial of Identity

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
Pass 3475 46.5%
72% 2 0.03%
81% 1 0.01%
85% 1 0.01%
86% 1 0.01%
92% 4 0.05%
96% 2 0.03%
100% 11 0.15%
N/A 4428 59.25%
Displaying graduates 6001 - 6025 of 7473 in total
PIN Rank Name
12327 Apprentice Sloth Mayhem
15469 Initiate Smaug
16529 Novice SMG5
6945 Apprentice smithversusneo
8825 Apprentice smitty
8359 Novice Snaga
8593 Apprentice snake
12614 Apprentice Snake Zahand
14010 Novice Snapscot
14723 Apprentice Snave
5644 Novice Sniper
14718 Apprentice Snow
10087 Apprentice snuke skywater
10551 Apprentice Sobaccus
11346 Apprentice Sobek
12648 Adept Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
11617 Novice Sodian
9748 Apprentice Soelar
13213 Apprentice Sofi
16854 Augur Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis
15821 Apprentice Sol314
12931 Novice Solab
8275 Apprentice Solace
15192 Apprentice Solarc
7953 Proselyte Solarus