Details for Trial of Identity

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
Pass 3475 46.5%
72% 2 0.03%
81% 1 0.01%
85% 1 0.01%
86% 1 0.01%
92% 4 0.05%
96% 2 0.03%
100% 11 0.15%
N/A 4428 59.25%
Displaying graduates 2951 - 2975 of 7473 in total
PIN Rank Name
13391 Apprentice darkjedi45
10377 Apprentice Warkun
10949 Apprentice The'ri-on
10934 Apprentice Macdor Krogon
11035 Apprentice Xolen Yazl'k
8010 Apprentice Echilon
9237 Apprentice Stygian
9521 Apprentice Paranoid
11371 Apprentice Krato Denaan
12137 Apprentice Spanky858
9386 Apprentice Allael Caedus
9559 Apprentice GorGorus
12292 Apprentice Kious
9446 Apprentice Omnipoten Rockelzmoe
9681 Apprentice Davish
16121 Apprentice LNDRAX
7800 Apprentice Raven
16124 Apprentice Borgor
7618 Apprentice Doshu
7630 Apprentice Ezrael
13806 Apprentice Darkstarkiller
7348 Apprentice Makos Dranik
7443 Apprentice Cortex
7442 Apprentice Slave
6260 Apprentice Eithan-ar-Gathor