Details for Odan-Urr History

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
71% 1 1.23%
78% 1 1.23%
82% 4 4.94%
85% 6 7.41%
89% 9 11.11%
92% 18 22.22%
94% 1 1.23%
96% 34 41.98%
99% 2 2.47%
100% 10 12.35%
Displaying graduates 1 - 25 of 81 in total
PIN Rank Name
13025 Proselyte Lividius
12478 Neophyte Mazer
12288 Acolyte Lelila
8493 Hunter Rigar Ulrand
12449 Hunter Kazumi-Ytje Matsumoto
12434 Hunter Andraste Vivendi
11022 Knight Teia Coran
9829 Knight Corax "Baron" Zarjin
12311 Knight Carissus
9900 Peacekeeper Jendan Aybara
10301 Peacekeeper Zeon Blacktooth
7384 Warrior Lokasena "Sena" Corvinus.
7737 Warrior Arcadian Vuusen
12769 Warrior Alexander DelGotto
7722 Mystic Kaz Raith
10466 Mystic Dyrra Skye
980 Mystic Aeson Rhys
4094 Ranger Tyno
8629 Ranger Krandon Lucian Firebringer
9117 Battlemaster Kratus Vahillus
8664 Battlemaster Talos
13033 Battlemaster Saal Kesyk
9630 Savant Alexander Anderson
8968 Savant Malfrost Xeon
11484 Savant Issamuel Kin'Droth