Details for Imperial Starfighters Eng/Tech

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
Pass 319 106.69%
71% 1 0.33%
75% 2 0.67%
81% 2 0.67%
84% 1 0.33%
85% 3 1.0%
87% 6 2.01%
90% 2 0.67%
93% 3 1.0%
96% 4 1.34%
100% 11 3.68%
N/A 1 0.33%
Displaying graduates 101 - 125 of 299 in total
PIN Rank Name
5799 Knight Jagan
5046 Neophyte James Bellador
7127 Acolyte James Revan
195 Battlemaster Janos Silverwulf Sadow
7168 Neophyte Janus Lee
8777 Neophyte Jarec Shadow
7907 Padawan Jarith Krasa
974 Savant Jason Hunter
4678 Neophyte Jaxor Bain
3168 Battlelord J'Kast
3731 Acolyte Jodokus Unruh
5182 Neophyte JONBA NIBRI
10425 Battlelord Jondaar Domi
1612 Master Jorad Erinos
5528 Warrior Kaelin Ring
3569 Hunter Kaetaal
5 Prophet Kaine Mandaala
7547 Ranger Kairus
4875 Neophyte Kale
7100 Lieutenant Ka-Lel
8505 Savant Kant Lavar
6182 Battlelord Karel Tarentae
104 Battlemaster Karimicus
3438 Knight Kaylesha Blackheart
8303 Warrior Kazarelth Talismarr