Details for Essentials 106: Medals

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
75% 67 10.74%
87% 94 15.06%
100% 495 79.33%
Displaying graduates 376 - 400 of 624 in total
PIN Rank Name
8430 Savant Mayda Ferium
14928 Corporal Mears Hiorte
13763 Battlelord Meleu Karthdo
16569 Privateer Mex
14532 Proselyte Michael Bourne
6377 Adept Mihoshi Keibatsu
14480 Acolyte Mij Nosliw
12915 Knight Miranda Goto
14017 Battlemaster Misium
13369 Eminent Montresor
13897 Augur Morax Darkblade
14820 Acolyte Motan Starblade
15043 Acolyte Mugen
3607 Master Mune Cinteroph
3714 Grand Master Muz Ashen Keibatsu
11465 Acolyte Myrkal
16726 Neophyte N8imus
13762 Hunter Naomi Felian
7377 Lieutenant Colonel Narman Losa
14194 Knight Nashiro Kakos
13789 Hunter Nash Kronos
16149 Acolyte Natro Liwep
129 Prophet Natth a'Niel Palpatine
14054 Acolyte Nayc Gai
14063 Neophyte Nayla Kaui