Details for Vendetta 103: Fiction and Graphics Tips

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
80% 29 6.2%
100% 461 98.5%
Displaying graduates 251 - 275 of 468 in total
PIN Rank Name
13949 Knight Gellm'arco'nuruodo
13954 Acolyte Gorn daa'murk
13960 Neophyte Kagerou Sunnyside
13964 Battlelord Azmodius Equesinfernum
13968 Padawan John Brown
13984 Battlemaster Omega Kira
13995 Novice Argon Ravenblack
13996 Knight Serenla
14012 Acolyte Enric Galazin
14017 Battlemaster Misium
14024 Warrior Remurr Hijaa
14025 Master Rulvak Qurroc
14029 Savant Scarlet Agna
14030 Proselyte Hep Arapto
14031 Proselyte Malik Sunfell
14037 Warrior Magik
14045 Padawan Drake Starfire
14052 Knight Rodimus Morell
14054 Acolyte Nayc Gai
14057 Warrior Anahorn Dempsey
14058 Warrior Aule Jr.
14059 Corsair Chrome
14063 Neophyte Nayla Kaui
14064 Acolyte Dreith Droheden
14067 Neophyte Crow OfDusk