Event Details

Event ID
Aidan Kincaid
Grand Cross
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Shadow is the only reason our character sheets exist as they are today, and the only reason I am CM today. The only thing I would change, if I could, would be that it is he, not I, receiving an AK for the release of these sheets.

He brought me in to his project. Instantly, he and I shared a vision of a dynamic sheet that emphasized character customization, of simplification, and of parity. We knew the Brotherhood needed something that would allow members of all ranks to specialize themselves, while still providing a standard basis for competitive writing such as that in the ACC. Before I even knew of his plans, I suggested the Fate system - and as it turned out, he had already been looking into the option. His initial groundwork set the stage for our Fate of the Jedi Proposal, and without it, I wouldn't be CM today.

Shadow is an amazing, creative asset. He's the best writer I think I've had the pleasure of reading, and easily one of the most creative and dynamic minds the Brotherhood has ever seen. He was never really awarded for his part in the original proposal, and thus, I think I must give him the award he so definitely deserves: A Grand Cross.

Shadow, congratulations!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2013-09-14 15:08:40 UTC