Event Details

Event ID
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Grand Cross
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Atty has been an immense help to the CS team. Over the last month, her fingerprints have been on every section of every document. She has created several Feats, contributed to the naming of a variety of them, and literally proofread every Feat, Skill, and Force Power at one point in time or another. On top of that, she has been a sounding board for opinions of the entire CS Staff and has been instrumental in us meeting our deadlines. Typically, when as large a project as the Character system is worked on, the majority of the work comes from Equites or above. Atty helped buck that trend and has been a huge source of information and assistance in the project.

Atty most definitely deserves this GC for her work on the CS project!


On top of her work in the Dark Crusade and as a leader in Arcona, Atty selfessly volonteered herself to work on the CS Project. She wasted no time in getting involved, and like the good gramar nazi she is, she wasted no time in taking a red pen to literally everything the CS team had come up with to that point. Her positive attitude is offset by a mature sense of responsibility for her actions, which blends with her ability to somehow get away with light-trolling as well. Her presence alone brightens the moods around her, and her spirit for her friends and peers is contagious.
Consul of Arcona

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2013-09-18 02:37:15 UTC