- Event ID
- 100739
- Target
- Nyssa "Bubbles" Taldrya
- Old Rank
Equite 3
- New Rank
Equite 4
- Requested by
- Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
- Primary reason
Bubbles Taldrya. In the decade (yes, decade) since her last promotion, Bubbsy has never ceased to be one of the most loyal, dedicated, and hard working members of Taldryan. When you consider that Bubbsy has had a seriously eventful life in the meantime, what with her being all Doctory and such, you come to realize just how great of a contribution to Taldryan that she has made.
Bubbs has never been one who stands on rooftops and shouts orders. She’s more like an older sister to many of Taldryan, guiding new and old members of Taldryan alike, with her calming demeanour, pathological love of ice cream and cookies, and steady, solid performance into bettering not only the unit as a whole, but themselves in the process.
I can list out the amount of smaller awards Bubbles has taken home since her last promotion, which are legion, but none of them really matter to me more than the competitions medals. She’s taken home 44 seals of 9 different varieties, she’s earned 36 various crescents, as well as 6 Nova. Bubbs embodies participation, she supports everything Taldryan does, from making sure she submits to Journeymen competitions to making them feel welcome and appreciated, to participating in massive Brotherhood wide events, because Taldryan asks her to. She doesn’t do it for glory, she does it for Taldryan, and for the love she has of it, and the Brotherhood. For this alone, I would recommend her for this promotion, but it’s not nearly all she’s done.
Since being appointed as Taldryan’s Rollmaster, Bubbles has done amazingly fine work. In the months since her elevation, Taldryan has seen as many promotions to Dark Jedi Knight as it had in almost a year previous. Bubbles or I suppose Nyssa, as we must now call her, is entirely integral to this fact. Her ability to connect with new recruits, and inspire them to take up the Taldryan cause is unparalleled, helping usher Taldryan forward into a new era.
With my most heartfelt recommendation, I request that Nyssa “Bubbles” Taldrya, be raised to the rank of Krath Pontifex with immediate effect.
Aedile of Taldryan,
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2013-09-19 17:45:18 UTC
- Additional reasons
Bubbles has been with Taldryan for quite a long time, quite a long time in which she has always been an influental voice to everyone new and old in Taldryan either serving in a Summit Position or through pulling strings from behind the curtain. Her dedication to Taldryan can be compared with little to anyone else. Bubbs is an outstanding person, from my own experience she can push one to go over his capabilities and then in a matter of seconds change and listen to whatever problem you have and help you with her calming, reassuring manner.
Everything she does, she does with the fullest of her heart, no matter if this is for Taldryan and the Broterhood or her Real Life. And while this is on its own is an outstanding trait it makes others tend to take it as common that she does it and that for might not see something special in it, but there is nothing to be taken as common when one does something with the heart, it is exactly the opposite, it is always something secial if someone gives everything especially for something that has a special meaning to her, as this is with Bubbs and Taldryan.
In over a decade since her last promotion, Bubbles has served a decent time of it as Battleteamleader of either the Phoenix Phyle or the Wardens of Unity and most recently as Rollmaster of the Houce, making sure that everyone is aware of his/her promotion tasks along Yacks and myself and that they get their rightful promotions and won't miss out the fun that is going on within the House.
Her continuingly presence, coupled with the dedication to Taldryan and its members are more than deserving of seeing her elevated to the rank of Krath Pontifex. Congrats Bubbs! Now Ice-cream?
Quaestor of Taldryan
Rian Taldrya, 2013-09-19 17:42:11 UTC
The Taldryan motto is that we are a “Brotherhood within a Brotherhood.” To people outside of Taldryan, that probably just sounds like a cheap bit of language to prop up the unit as something beyond being a band of miscreants and old folks. But to those of us that have lived and breathed in Taldryan for years and years, there is a deep meaning to those words. They mean that we have a group of people connected beyond just our self interests. We are all striving for ultimate goals for each other, for Taldryan.
And so when I look at our history and our roster, and I focus on who makes Taldryan great, it’s easy to pick out a few distinct names. But there’s one that stands out to me almost beyond all others: Bubbles Taldrya. Bubbs is the type of member and person that makes Taldryan beyond special. She is part of the core of our unit, working continuously over years and years to make this a fun and supportive place for members. She is a rock; while the old folks come and go, Bubbles is there consistently, actively participating in competitions and all other unit activities.
The best part of Bubbles is her insanely positive personality. She has a way about her that just brings happiness to Taldryan. I have enjoyed every interaction with her, and am always glad to see her name cross my e-mail box. Bubbles does more than I can describe to bring about unity and cohesion to Taldryan. She is a member that, while not always in leadership positions, is a leader of us all.
So, it’s without hesitation that I support a promotion for Bubbles Taldrya. It is wholly deserved, as is our thanks to her.
Jac Cotelin
Jac Cotelin, 2013-09-19 17:42:49 UTC
It’s hard to imagine a Taldryan without Bubbles. She’s an institution, and to know her is to basically love her. She has just always been here, and everyone knows when she’s around. Her personality is unique, not only within Taldryan, but also within the Brotherhood itself. She is the ray of sunshine in the general grey cloud of the club. Yes, this all sounds sappy, but it’s 100% true. This entire place would be less without her around.
Now, this is just about her and her personality...it doesn’t necessarily say anything about why she should be promoted, does it? Well, let’s see. Ten years of service, in and of itself, is something special. Few of us have managed that feat, let alone waited for a promotion during that stretch of time. While Bubbs has had a staggeringly-busy RL over the years she has always managed to find some time for the club and to help Taldryan out. She is the quintessential Taldrya; there when we need her. I know her specific deeds will be listed within this recommendation so I don’t need to repeat it, but it clearly shows someone who has continued to stay connected to the club in an active and positive way. However, it’s what the numbers don’t say that really sets her apart and pushes her into the next level. She has been instrumental through the years of helping and nurturing our newer and younger members. That personality I mentioned before has translated into the ability to connect with those who are new to this place. She has led countless new members within Taldryan and made them a part of the club as a whole.
I am more than happy to see Bubbles elevated to the next rank. She has gone above and beyond what is required. Congratulations!
DP Halcyon Rokir Taldrya
Sith Lord
Lord Halcyon, 2013-09-19 17:43:18 UTC
I still remember when Bubbs joined the DB. She was remarkable even then - instantly active, energetic, and helpful. She was immediately a friendly face to just about everyone, and immediately began what has been an incredible career that has benefited Taldryan immensely. Beyond that, her activity level has been consistent. From then until now, she has always participated and helped Taldryan in any way she could.
I’ve been in and out of activity for the last several years. I’ve come back for a few months at a time, met many new people, and seen only a smattering of old faces. Every time I’ve returned, it seems like the people I know in this organization become fewer and fewer. Yet each time, one person has always been present, and always been consistent: Bubbles. No matter the competition, no matter the stakes, Bubbsy has been there. She has been serving Taldryan faithfully for years, and throughout, she has been a constant advisor not just to the summit, but to new members as well.
I know such lofty promotions typically are reserved for those in high leadership positions, but there is a reason for that, and that is because it is typically only those in such positions that make lasting impacts on the people around them. Bubbs has done this without such a position, and has consistently done so. She deserves EQ4 more than anyone I’ve written a recommendation for; I only wish that I had been active through the entire time she has been EQ3 so that I could make you a proper list of her accomplishments. Instead, I’ll leave that to the others that are recommending her, and leave it with this: If you asked me to name a few of the members over the last ten years that have made Taldryan what it is, she would be within the top five. Of those members, all of them but she are Elders. It’s time she receive the recognition she has so long deserved for such constant activity!
Congratulations, Bubbs!
Combat Master of the Dark Brotherhood
Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2013-09-19 17:43:57 UTC
No words nor feeble attempts can sum up this gem of a member. Her dossier name displays Nyssa “Bubbles” Taldrya, but I have had the pleasure to know her as none other than ‘Bubbsy’.
Bubbles has been and forever will be a Matriarch of Taldyan and a forerunning of goodwill and prosperity. Her due diligence in matters pertaining to this club and her home unit Tal are surpassed by none. Striking the iron and rendering an image that is too precious to ever recreate, Bubbles makes her mark as one of Taldryan’s elite, and one of the Brotherhoods finest.
In her ten years of service, Bubbles has taken to the shadows when it comes to rewards and tokens of appreciation. Never asking nor searching for glory of her own, it is with great pride that I have the honor – no, the privilege - of writing a recommendation for this one of a kind woman. To have a hand in seeing this member placed at her rightful standing at the final tier of the Krath Order is quite a treat.
In times of need, Bubbles stepped up to the plate and taken up various mantles of Leadership within Taldryan. Serving as Battleteam Leader of Phoenix Phyle in House Ektrosis of Clan Taldryan she proved that all of the years of persistence paid off by leading her unit to new heights for almost a year’s time. Two years later Bubbles once again would rise and take upon the position of Battleteam Leader over House Taldryan’s Warden’s of Unity; a position that was unquestionably needed to be filled by someone with her talents. And once more, we find Nyssa brandishing the torch as a leader in House Taldryan as its Master of the Roster. A position which she currently occupies.
In war, this long serving member has seen her hand at being known as a force to reckon with on all fronts of the battlefield. Whether she sets her mind to writing a poem of great proportions or scribbles out her character’s story through blood and sweat, this member seeks glory for Taldryan. Always looking out, Bubbles maintains Taldryan’s resolve by offering whatever help she can before, during or after the smoke of war. A lending hand has been found by many through her wisdom; I myself can attest to that.
Let it be known in the records that Bubbles Taldrya, overall powerhouse in terms of lore and scripts has indeed completed her show of power over the masses by participating in a gaming event. An event that I myself was able to participate in with her, ushering her into the ranks of those who game. Bubbles played a full match of Pazaak against me… and won. And she did it while in the middle of writing her fiction event submission.That match set her participation score to almost near-perfect for in Chapter 2 of Phase 2 in the Dark Crusade.
With effort and trial this member has taken 2 Gold, 3 Silver and 1 Bronze Nova to be mantled upon the crest of Taldryan while at the rank of Epis. In addition to this she has earned 36 Crescents varying in different levels of prominence. Her war room is filled with 44 Seals won by pure skill in times of Vendettas , Great Jedi Wars and Rites of Supremacy. Yet her payment for such acts have been less than repaid having earned mere scraps for the amount of work she has committed for her Brotherhood, rendering only 3 Steel Crosses, 3 Antein Crosses and 4 Dark Crosses. This member has gone without due penance for far too long and today we must repay her the title she deserves. A title like… Pontifex.
Nyssa “Bubbles” Taldrya, take up your rightful place amongst the Elite of your order and prove that you are worthy of such an elevation by accepting the tomes that your brothers have sung for you here today. Stand tall, knowing that without question you have earned this promotion tenfold. And were it not for you, Taldryan truly would not be where it is today, nor would it be as cheerful and fun-filled as we have all come to know it.
Shed your skin, Epis; and rise as a Krath Pontifex!
Former Quaestor of Taldryan
Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya, 2013-09-19 17:44:38 UTC