Event Details

Event ID
Jac Cotelin
Steel Cross
Requested by
Rian Taldrya
Primary reason

Jac, as part of Taldryan’s Special Forces, you have participated in a total of nine event during Phase Two of the Dark Crusade and while this alone already is outstanding, you also managed to be the one earning the most Top3 placements in Taldryan. For this hard work and dedication you have shown for your Brothers and Sisters in House Taldryan, it is my greatest pleasure to recommend you to be rewarded with this Steel Cross as sign of appreciation.

Congratz Jac!

Rian Taldrya, 2013-10-01 21:40:45 UTC
Additional reasons

Ah my Apprentice in Pimpery. Some might say I have been remiss in not promoting you before now. I instead like to think of it as a motivational exercise. Look at all you've accomplished while being my GHIP in Training? Second term of GM, all those medals, a couple hero titles, every other bit of the ridiculous amount of awesomness that you've done.

But we're not here to talk about all of that. We're here to talk about rewarding you for your prodigious efforts in Phase 2 of the Dark Crusades, where you've continued to dominate in amazing fashion, finishing off the second phase as the current leader of the DB's medal board. If this were the Olympics? You'd be the United States and/or Soviet Russia. Maybe both combined. Instead, what you are is the proud owner of another Steel Cross, and a promotion from being GHIP in Training to Vice-GHIP. Grats Jaccy.

Aedile of Taldryan

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2013-10-01 21:00:14 UTC