Event Details

Event ID
Lord Evio Nezsa
Grand Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Evant, long time Caliburnus BTL and active member extrodinaire has proved over the course of this year what a stellar member he is. Over the course of the Dark Crusade, Evant participated in 16 events, was an active member of our Special Forces team, and earned A Gold, A Silver and a Bronze Nova.

Not only was he active he was a guiding leader for other members. During the Wikipedia event earlier in the crusade, Evant took charge to ensure everyone had a part to play in it knew what was expected of them. Our wikipedia submission would not have come off as well as it did without Evant providing a focused voice for everyone to follow.

Beyond the Crusade, Evant was a extraordinary resource in helping us work on the Scholae Palatinae Wikipedia. He also came up with the idea for the Looking Home Campaign, a "mini"-house event that ran its first course in the down time between the last rounds of the crusade. He organized the events and even created a fantastic follow up wikipedia page documenting what occurred and tying it into the overall house lore.

Evant is one of the members I know I could rely on time and time again. Because of these reasons I recommend he be awarded a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Lord Idris Adenn, 2013-11-27 16:36:11 UTC
Additional reasons

Evant Taelyan. This name shall be remember for a long time. He has participated in 16 events of the Dark Crusade and has earned 1 Gold Nova, 1 Silver Nova and 1 Bronze Nova. He has proven himself a very loyal member of our House. Despite the fact that he has been chosen to become the Rollmaster of House Odan-Urr, he has done his best to serve Scholae Palatinae till the end of the Dark Crusade. He has helped us claim 4th place as the unit in the overall standings after the Dark Crusade. In the meantime, he has organized a small series of events, which revolved around bringing order to Ptolomea, which are the inspiration for the upcoming similar events. We would like to recommend this Grand Cross of the Dark Side as a token of our appreciation for all Evant has done during last year.

Adept Xantros, 2013-11-27 16:35:48 UTC