Event Details

Event ID
Terran Koul
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

You will be hard pressed to find a member of Arcona more dedicated to the Clan than Invictus. He has served two separate stints as Battleteam Leader during the Dark Crusade, and been an invaluable aid to the Summit and general membership. As a BTL, he encouraged his members to participate while leading by example. In the last 2 rounds of the Dark Crusade, he stepped up in a big way as a member of Arcona's Special Forces team.

He does this while also working for James as a Magistrate to the SCL and is developing a way to help automate and speed up Warbanners.

He also recruited Verse Theris to the club, who went 4/4 on Ziost and earned herself a double field promotion for her efforts.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication, Vic.

Consul of Clan Arcona

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2013-12-03 18:43:26 UTC
Additional reasons

Invictus is one of those guys who is vocal and visible whether he's in a leadership position or not, and he was instrumental in drumming up participation throughout the Dark Crusade. He's a savvy veteran, with a pair of recent (and highly successful) tours of Battleteam leadership.

Veterans like Vic are chronically underappreciated, because when you're an upper-level Equite and you don't have a position slapped next to your name, you're easily overlooked. But without his sound advice, his selflessness, and his diligence -- and the similar work of other Arconan veterans -- neither the Summit nor the Journeymen would be as successful.

Add on to all of these intangibles the Novae that Invictus hauled in during the Crusade, and tack on his newest star recruit, Verse Theris, and you have all of the makings of a Sapphire Blade recipient. Congratulations, Vic -- you earned this.

Proconsul of Arcona

Legorii Arconae, 2013-12-03 04:35:22 UTC

Vic is the type of Veteran every member should be like. He bleeds for Arcona. He's an advisor to the entire Arcona Summit. He's a Magistrate to the Seneschal, but also works on coding the Arcona website. He's one of our go to guys when there needs to be a spreadsheet made. He served twice as a Battleteam Leader and was the last BTL of Void Squadron.

On Ziost, he went 4/4. He's won 5 Novae and participated in 19/31 total events during the Dark Crusade. He motivated our members to tie on Ziost and end up taking second due to participation on Ziost and the entire Dark Crusade.

Verse Theris is one of our most promising new recruits and went 4/4 on Ziost, as well and Vic was the recruiter.

Vic carries many hats, but every hat is worn for Arcona. For unwavering dedication and so much more I'm proud to be involved in awarding your second Sapphire Blade.

Quaestor of Qel-Droma

Ernordeth Puer-Irae, 2013-12-03 18:15:15 UTC