Event Details

Event ID
Graus Colvin
Dark Cross
Requested by
Ernordeth Puer-Irae
Primary reason

Graus is a great guy and a great Arconan. Despite the unfortunate events that happened he is still an extremely important member of Arcona. He managed to complete 2 fictions for the Dark Crusade, even though this was a tough feat to accomplish during physical therapy. He maintains a positive attitude at all times and contributed in motivating our members to participate, especially on Ziost, through our e-mail threads. He always replies to my e-mails in an extremely fast turnaround; whether it's an e-mail to check up on him or an e-mail advising me of how Qel-Droma is running and what would help us in the future. For shining through everything I am extremely honored to recommend this Dark Cross!

Quaestor of Qel-Droma

Ernordeth Puer-Irae, 2013-12-04 02:06:58 UTC
Additional reasons

Since returning to Arcona for the Dark Crusade, Graus has been able to submit two fictions for Arcona. He has managed to do this after suffering a near-fatal injury and enduring physical therapy. The fact he has submitted during this trying time goes beyond simple will to participate. It is an example of unparalleled dedication to his Clan and Brotherhood that few can claim to even come close to. For this reason, I recommend Graus Colvin for an Dark Cross.

Aedile of House Qel-Droma

Nikola Valtiere Erinos, 2013-12-04 02:05:55 UTC

In the year long Dark Crusade Obelisk Templar Graus Colvin was able to write two fictions for the Dark Crusade. The reason this is worth noting is because Graus was stricken will a very real malady right before the beginning of the Dark Crusade. Having nearly lost his life and undergoing intense physical therapy, the effort to participate in the Dark Crusade goes beyond mere participation. It is an act of dedication, loyalty and courage that is unsurpassed to my knowledge and deserves to be awarded at a higher level than its numbers would otherwise call for. For all of these reasons the Summit has determined that Graus should be awarded the Dark Cross.

Congratulations Graus!

BTL of Shadow Gate

Etah Obsidyn, 2013-12-04 02:06:49 UTC