Event Details

Event ID
Frosty Romanae Tarentae
Steel Cross
Requested by
Scion Tarentae
Primary reason

We always count on Frosty to bring home the gaming novae in big competitions, and he always delivers. During the Dark Crusade he was one of the few we could count on to participate and more often than not, win something shiny. Lately though, Frosty has also been running the newest of our two Battle Teams: the Knights of Tau. He's doing a great job, keeping in close contact with the House Summit and helping work with us to drive the direction of the House. He also keeps in close communication with his team, and has done an outstanding job building the fledgling team into an integral part of the House.

Now that we have our policy requiring all Tarenti be members of a battle team, Frosty's role has increased to that of a leader of half of all members of the House. He has taken that role on with enthusiasm and I am proud to be able to count on him as part of my leadership team. I offer this Steel Cross as a token of my appreciation for Frosty's hard work during the Dark Crusade and his leadership of the Knights of Tau.

Scion Tarentae, 2013-12-11 06:48:03 UTC
Additional reasons

I love Frosty's type of leadership. Lead from the front, not the back. His time as BTL of KoT aside for a moment, his participation as a member over the Crusades has been more than welcomed. Frosty is a gamer, through and through. My entire time knowing him, I have always counted him that way and he proved it in the last three rounds of the Crusade by always having a participation point in gaming. But that over looks how much gaming he has done, by my count he has earned 214 Clusters of Fire since August. Not only has this been towards Tarentum's Crusade efforts but he is a dedicated, key member of the TOR guild and representing Tarentum in that field. Additionally, he has placed in the top three for every Tarentum gaming competition in the last 5 months, from mobile to flash games. And the topper, he won 1st in October's Gorefest. He's one of Tarentum's many resident gamers, and he's always is leading the pack.

However, Frosty doesn't just game. In fact, he more than often gets out of his comfort zone for the betterment of Tarentum. Participating in trivia and misc events. just to get more points on the board for us; Frosty even was a member of Tarentum's 3rd place finish in Ashsa Ree's Run-on. I wouldn't be surprised if this is why Scion choose him to head the Knights of Tau, had I been Aedile at that point and involved in the conversation; hands down Frosty would have been my choice. His message is consistent in that he both pushes for members to do what they love, even helping lead and coordinate the groups into this, while at the same time he motivates them to do what they can for the House. His guidance as Tarentae has been greatly appreciated as we try to turn things around in Tarentum. And he always has a great sense of reason he brings with his input. For all this things, I believe Frosty more than deserves a Steel Cross in recognition of what he has done for Tarentum in just these last few months. Thank you Frosty, and congrats!

Sage Lontra Boglach, 2013-12-11 06:47:23 UTC