Event Details

Event ID
Envoy Taranae Rhode
Anteian Cross
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It is with great excitement that I recommend a Anteian Cross for GRD Taranae Rhode. As a consummate professional within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and a valued member of House Plagueis she continues to lead by example.

She is a constant presence on IRC offering mentorship or just friendly conversation to members both new and old. The importance of this should not be understated as we all recognize the utility of IRC in fostering relationship within the DJB. To that end her impact is a asset to House Plagueis and the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

In addition, Taranae has been working diligently earning 39 Clusters of Fire and placing in numerous competitions. Recently, she took 2nd place in the December Gorefest, which earned her a Crescent with Ruby Star. Furthermore, she earned 1st place in the Slice and Dice competition earning a Crescent with Emerald Star.

I would be remise if I did not highlight her efforts within the Shadow Academy. Having passed Grammar Studies, Leadership Fundamentals, and Markdown 101. These courses were attempted not to fulfill a promotion requirement but quite simple to build her knowledge in the material for implementation within her Dark Jedi Brotherhood engagements. That level of dedication should be recognized as ultimatly it will benefit the entire DJB as she progresses through her trials.

However, her impact on the club does not stop there. Recently, Taranae answered the Recruitment call of the House Plagueis Summit and she was able to reach out to other Star Wars clubs and recruit two new members to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Furthermore, it was the mentorship and motivational assistance she provided following their recruitment that should be recognized. She reached out to House leadership multiple times to ensure that the members she brought to the DJB were being cared for appropriately. A level of caring that is inherent to a good Leader and often a rarity in new members. She has expected nothing in return for her efforts in their entirety. She works diligently for House Plagueis and the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and to that end it is my honor to recommend her for a truly deserved Anteian Cross. Congratulations Taranae, your efforts are very much appreciated.

Montresor, 2013-12-28 02:15:22 UTC