Event Details

Event ID
Zel Koo
Dark Cross
Requested by
Governor Tierra Suha'sen
Primary reason

As my unofficial second-in-command in the Knights of Allusis BT, Kah has done a marvelous job so far. He has come up with an adversary for the battleteam - which will be a focus for our upcoming competitions - which has a potential to become a good piece of House canon as well. Apart from that he has given valuable advice and ideas concerning the competitions that should be run in the next Season of Knights of Allusion, as well as created several competitions that I can, honestly, just copy/paste and submit right now. He is a valuable X.O. and a reliable member through and through. I would like to congratulate him on this well earned reward.

Governor Tierra Suha'sen, 2014-01-02 16:28:51 UTC