Event Details

Event ID
Ellie-Marie Kinsha
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Primary reason

The time has come for Ellie-Marie Kinsha to be elevated to the rank of Guardian. She has shown excellent dedication and diligence to the cause of advancing her own rank.

First of all, she has shown an excellent level of competition participation, taking part in three competitions. Her impressive level of activity can also be seen in that she is a frequent user of #arcona, where she joins in with conversations with her clanmates.

Ellie has also demonstrated an interest in writing and character development, writing over 1,500 words in a character fiction, as well as getting an approved character sheet and started work on her Wiki article.

Finally, she has passed her order core exam, and has also been a Protector for thirty-seven days.

Congratulations, Guardian.

Clan Rollmaster, Arcona

, 2014-01-16 18:24:43 UTC