Sometimes there are members of the Brotherhood who take what is expected of them and shatter it completely. Rhiann is one such member and I am extremely proud to have a Journeyman like her in House Marka Ragnos. Aside from the mandatory time in rank and the completion of her Obelisk Core exam, Rhi's also proven herself to not only be a keen gamer through pazaak by earning over one hundred clusters of fire - and mind you you only need 40 to be considered for promotion - and a rank of III in the new GMRG society. She's written a beautiful fiction clocking in at just over 1500 words detailing a scene in which Rhiann and Vaar play chess. And, of course, she's active in the Brotherhood as a whole, a consistent presence in our IRC and a constant competitor across a wide variety of competitions (six, at current count). It's not often we see someone who gets involved so early in such a deep manner, but those who do tend to be some of the best members we could ever possibly get.
For Naga Sadow to have such a driven and a responsible new member is a privilege for us as Summit, and it is with great pleasure that I recommend Rhiann Baenre for the rank of Guardian immediately. -Vaar Mai, Aedile of House Marka Ragnos
Battlelord Mateus Kelborn, 2014-01-20 00:07:10 UTC