Event Details

Event ID
Lynnyaria Meraudstar
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

The Anteian Cross is awarded to those who have shown consistent and dedicated service to one’s Battleteam or House. They do this by displaying a greater than average amount of activity over a period of several weeks that includes participation in projects, events, or competitions.

Since his last promotion and major award, Kanis has been active in participating in events by earning 3 crescents and 10 CFs. He has also been busy in the Shadow Academy by earning his Maven in Combat and passing his ACC Fundamentals to help push him to Society Rank IV!

Following the conclusion of the Dark Crusade, Kanis was one of the few who put together a proposition for a new Battleteam in House Qel-Droma. He has stepped up in a huge way in taking on a role when he has no prior leadership experience to go on. Regardless, Kanis went right to work in assembling his team, drawing his friends that he recruited close and working with them on creating a fictional background for their team; Shadow Phyle. They got their wiki page up and running quicker than I had expected, and really impressed me with their initiative. Kanis even organized and ran a competition that challenged members to design a logo for the team. This level of organization and dedication to the team is endearing as a member of the upper summit to see ideas being executed on the entry level.

Despite some things coming up in his real life that affected his full participation, Kanis was right there urging his team on in e-mails and in whatsapp. In the latest Operation: Sojourn, Kanis was able to earn 16 points, enough to place him at 25th overall in individual scores. His team joined him by combining for 94 total points to edge out a 5th/8th place team placement out the gate as a brand new team filled with Journeyman and new members. This is what leadership is all about, and when you talk to his members you can see that they really look up to him and that he is their beacon when it comes to being active.

Congratulations, Kanis! Keep up the good work.

Consul of Clan Arcona

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2014-02-24 05:02:30 UTC
Additional reasons

Kanis shows his dedication to Qel-Droma and Arcona time and time again through determination and a willingness to work hard.

On top of his 13 medals, his new Dark Maven of Combat, and completing ACC Fundamentals Kanis continues to be a mentor and is constantly working on improving his leadership skills.

He's become an important part of the House Qel-Droma Summit. Recently, he has helped by mentoring his own recruits until they have a master. He attended a recommendation writing class taught by Wally and contributed to recent merit awards for Qel-Droma. Through his leadership Adam Bolera was the highest placer among not only Battleteam Shadow Phyle, but House Qel-Droma, during Operation Sojourn.

Congratulations, Kanis! I look forward to continuing the great work together.

Arcona Invicta!

Ernordeth Puer-Irae

Quaestor of Qel-Droma

Ernordeth Puer-Irae, 2014-02-22 00:11:30 UTC