Event Details

Event ID
Larrik Dul'vak
Dark Cross
Requested by
Jorad Erinos
Primary reason

Ninj is an expert at overcoming adversity. His life’s been full of it. This Operation was no exception. He was slammed with ridiculous amounts of mandatory overtime at work, and as such had very, very little free time. Despite this, he still managed to get out five posts for the RO. On top of this, he helped develop the plot, proof other’s posts, and encouraged a generally friendly atmosphere in the squad. I need Ninj in my team. He’s a calming salve to some of the crazy I bring wherever I go. He’s a stable, together member and a stalwart reminder that slow and steady always wins over going hard and burning out too soon. Thanks for your contributions, Daniel.

  • Dash.

Ninj shows dedication when it comes to trying to get things done. Another good trait, is that he is able to associate himself with other members, effectively bringing them further into the main plot and making sure no one is left behind. Very good trait to have, keep up the great work!


Jorad Erinos, 2014-02-22 15:21:38 UTC