Event Details

Event ID
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Primary reason

Since rejoining the Brotherhood and joining Taldryan, Kenath Zoron has been one of our most consistent and reliable members. His zeal to get re-acquainted with the Brotherhood has been second to none, and Taldryan has benefited greatly from the fact that he's come to us.

Since his return, Kenath Zoron has been one of our most active members, always participating in home-grown competitions, as well as seeking to spread his horizons and participate in competitions outside of Taldryan's sphere.

This dedication and excitement for the Brotherhood is refreshing, and promising, and we expect great things from this man.

I am proud to call Zoron a true Knight of Taldryan, the very first since our return to full Clan status. Congratulations Kenath, you've truly earned this.

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2014-03-06 17:03:10 UTC
Additional reasons

Zoron has been a fantastic member since rejoining the club and landing in Taldryan. His activity has been astounding with over 15 competitions entered, with a number of them earning him Crescents along the way. He has earned 150 CFs during this last month, while also doing enough SA courses to reach the fourth rank in that Society. He earned an Anteian Cross this month for much of that activity.

Along with his general activity, he has truly begun to integrate himself into the day-to-day life of the Clan and House, being active on both IRC and e-mail. He has become a visible member of the Clan, and is someone I very much look forward to seeing grow and further himself in the club.

I am more than happy to see Zoron not only achieve Dark Jedi Knight, but do so as the first of the re-Clanned Taldryan. Congratulations and very well deserved!

Lord Halcyon, 2014-03-06 15:08:40 UTC

Jedi Hunter Kenath Zoron is a long term member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood who has recently returned to active participation in our club. Since returning, he has successfully completed the requirements to earn his elevation to Dark Jedi Knight. In a short period of time, Zoron has competed in 18 Competitions (!), received a 151 clusters of fire for cooperative gaming, crafted a character wiki article, taken untold Shadow Academy exams, and earned three Shadow Academy degrees. Additionally, he has resumed his role as a highly visible and active member on mIRC/Email and in our gaming Clans.

Zoron is the type of member we need in our club. Highly energetic, interested in participated and being a part of the club, and encouraged to help our club move forward as a better organization. Please promote my short-lived apprentice to DJK. Congrats Z!

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2014-03-06 15:29:49 UTC