Maelous has been a battleteam leader since before I became Quaestor of HMR. I had seen him occasionally on IRC, however it wasn’t until I became summit and started working with Mael one on one did I take note of his drive and desire to see his unit succeed not only his House but the Battleteam as well. Sometimes it is hard to put into words how much a person means when they are a part of a team, when Muz asked me to write this recommendation I couldn't think of one person who is more than ready to join the Equite group. His dedication is not something I can put into words. He is the first to volunteer for various projects that people need help with. I could go on and on about Maelous, but I won’t I will say however, that without Mael I am not sure where the House would be at today. It comes with great pride that I write this recommendation for you Maelous, Congrats on your promotion! ~Teu, Quaestor of Marka Ragnos
Maelous may not have been here long, but in that short time, he has already made a lasting difference. Even just individually, he is a very committed member, frequently taking part in activities, as his tally of medals attests to. However, his personal activity only touches the surface. As a Battleteam Leader, Maelous is passionate, and dedicated to the people he leads. Where many Battleteam Leaders do little more than pass the time and make it appear a trivial role with no real value, I often wake to find new emails from Maelous, or recommendations he has sent for his team members, which is a sure sign of a leader whose heart and mind are with the ones he serves.
But Maelous's work does not just stop there. Behind the scenes, he has been involved in projects such as the upcoming Lightsaber Combat Guide, a project that has involved much research and many hours of writing, often with no immediate sign of reward due to how far away the light at the end of the tunnel has sometimes been, but this has not held Maelous back, and he has still put in the time and effort. This alone is reason enough to thank Maelous for what he puts back into the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, and so I warmly extend my support to his elevation into the ranks of the Equites, and look forward to where the future takes him. Congratulations, Sith Warrior, you have more than earned it. ~Darth Vexatus, Son of Sadow
What can I say about Maelous? Since his last elevation, he has earned seven crescents (one a CrR), a SoI, and a Dark Cross. Plus he serves as a Battleteam leader, kicks tail in huge events like the Crusade, and is seeking greater leadership positions within the DB and Clan. But what he has done for the overall DJB is much, much more than this. The man delivers hard work as promised, far above and beyond what many do. It's been my pleasure to have him work under me as a direct report on two major projects, the upcoming Lightsaber Construction Guide and the Brotherhood Alchemy Guide. Each clocked in at over 10,000 words and counting. When you ask Maelous to do something, he just does it and grinds away- no questions asked. And then asks for more. His research and work was invaluable in both of these upcoming documents, and they will forever change the DJB for the better. One could not ask for a better team member. Maelous is one of those one in a million members who is making his mark, and making it strongly upon the entire club with his work. The work he has done is far beyond what most people do to reach Equite One. Congratulations, Equite. I wish we had ten more like you in this club! ~Macron Sadow, Consul Emeritus
In ancient Rome, Equite meant something special. It meant that through great works and deeds, that a soldier had risen above and was deserving of special priviledges. In our Brotherhood, it still bears much of the same distinction. Those who are marked as Equites find themselves rising to prominence, pushing their own capabilities as they drive those they serve with to ever higher accomplishments. That first step is the ahrdest to take. It signifies that one no longer needs their hand held. That they do not need the clearly delineated trials to keep going. That they are able to actually see the Brotherhood as more than just a single player game. In short, it means that they get it.
Today, I am typing this because I have watched a young knight toil very hard in support of a few great projects. Typically, these are the sort of long-tailed projects that people burn out from or give up on long before they reach completion, which is when the accolades and awards go out. That's not good enough for Maelous. His work in content generation and research has been frankly unbefitting a Knight. I have been impressed with his work ethic, his drive, and his desire to do more for this club that we all spend so many hours enjoying. It is not only an indicator of his career potential here in the club, but also of his character as a person. It is this sort of work, this sort of attitude that I hope to see more often. Those above me will speak in specifics, counting medals, giving dates. I will save that for them. As for myself, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for the work you've done, for the love that you bring to the game, and for the time you have spent with us. It's made our brotherhood better. ~Muz Ashen, Dark Lord of the Sith
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2014-03-11 02:54:01 UTC