Event Details

Event ID
Issamuel Kin'Droth
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

SW Eetherbiail has spent the last four months as the Caliburnus BTL. During this time he has been learning the ropes of what it means to be a leader. His experience learning here came to a wonder fruition during the recent Bosthirda Runon. Eether stepped up as leader for the HSP second team. This team of 6 had several people whom had never participated in a RO before. Eether provided a solid voice from which they were able to work. He helped guide them through a solid plotline on Bosthirda. He helped proof read posts. He provided reminders for everyone about where things were in the runon. And in the end, thanks to his leadership, HSP Team 2 had all members successfully post the required amount, and finished the RO in style. It is difficult even with the most experienced of RO participants to lead a team to finish one successfully, especially in a stressful short time limit. And he did it without any prodding from myself or anyone else on the other team. I have no doubt that it was thanks to Eether's stead hand and eye that his team finished with such success. As thanks for his leadership and help in accomplishing this, I recommend he be awarded this Anteian Cross.

Lord Idris Adenn, 2014-03-20 20:48:49 UTC